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Michael Rice


Many people want to have someone else “fix” their problem. Mike doesn’t try to fix anyone (he can’t – that’s part of what he teaches.) Mike applies the principles of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy to help people learn how to be happy. His work is based upon that of Dr. William Glasser, M.D. who created both Reality Therapy and Choice Theory. Mike is certified in both of these modalities. Dr. Glasser states: “All we do from birth until death is behave, and all behavior is chosen and purposeful.”

Happiness is about having good relationships with the people who are important to you. It seems simple enough, but it is not. “I have never had anyone make an appointment with me who claimed to be so happy that they just couldn’t take it anymore. All my appointments are made by unhappy people. And what makes people unhappy? They are not experiencing the relationship that they want to have with someone important to them in their life… it could even be ‘their self.’”  To leverage his knowledge and experiences with even more people, Mike has written eleven books on several  applications of Realtity Therapy and Choice Theory.  These books are current available through and can be found by searching “Michael Rice, Choice Theory.”

In addition to his  work in Arizona, he is involved with both authoring and national speaking engagements.  Mike also served as President of the William Glasser Institute West Region

Mike also co-emceed the Loyola Marymount University International conference and workshop in Los Angeles, He introduced Reality Therapy and Choice Theory at the Arizona Psychiatric Association in Phoenix.  In addition, he hosted the U.S. William Glasser International Conference in Las Vegas as well as workshops..  He gave a presentation of the nature and causes of substance dependence in Connecticut at the Northeast Conference of the William Glasser Institute and gave a presentation in Bogata, Columbia on the myths and fallacies of alcohol and drug addiction.